Activations Rules for Expeditioners & Qsl Manager
1.0 - Permission:
for all activations: 0 - DX - IOTA - LOTA  - SOTA - IWI -  Most Wanted Country and PORTABLE activity
you must request permission  to World Activation Manager Team.
The activation can be considered for the record only after the release of permission and of the call-sign
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Remember, without authorization will be not valid.

2.0 - Proofs:
If within thirty (30) days we don't receive any proofs , the activation will be considered not valid.
The activator or his Qslmanger have to provide to us:
 - logbook ;
 - photos and videos ;
 - air- ferryboat -train / ticket ;
 - GPS tracking ;
 - receipts ;
 - direct mail ( where is it possible ) to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
3.0 - Internet:
Log on line is allowed only on SD websites
is forbidden use any forum or cluster to confirm qso, the main forums and clusters will be monitored
The WAM recommend, before and during activations, greatest caution in publishing in the net on photos, video or other material that may cause danger to the safety of the operators.
In case of non-compliance to the rules indicated above, the WAM has the power to invalidate the activation
4.0 - Suffixes:
XXXSD/0 : First activation ( new one ). Such a suffix can be awarded once. (only if a minimum of 200 contacts are not achieved  it can be used again).
XXXSD/DX : Such a suffix can be used not more than three times , then it can be portable. (If a minimum of 200 contacts are not achieved it can be used again).
IOTA - LOTA - MOTA : The references will be assigned according to the RSGB list and where possible according to the National Radio Associations.

Thanks for your cooperation

73's from
World Activation Manager Team
1SD001 - 26SD117

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