The contest is open to all groups.


First Weekend Start: 14th November 2020 @ 00.00 GMT
First Weekend End: 15th November 2020 @ 23:59 GMT

Second Weekend Start: 21th November 2020 @ 00.00 GMT
Second Weekend End: 22th November 2020 @ 23.59 GMT

(All logs must be in GMT time) Please make sure you know your local time in GMT before you start the contest, as you will be disqualified
if you start before 00.00 GMT or end after 23.59 GMT.
Sending Logs : Paper & emailed logs must be sent well within the deadline date:

1th February 2021.
Any logs received after or on this date will be void.

Contest Manager Mr. Alex PO Box 3618 344022 Rostov-on-Don Russia

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Scores: 1 point for each contact multiplied by the divisions worked is: 50 progressives x 10 divisions = 500 points. You MUST give and receive a progressive number, contact with ALL stations are valid only if a progressive number is given between both stations, NO PROGRESSIVE NO POINT!

The only exception will be: when working an SES, DX, IOTA or Zero. The contact (in the log) will be accepted providing the contest manager can obtain a copy of the log book of the activation to confirm the contact and WILL be acceptd without a progressive number received or given. Who can you contact You can work operators in any division including
your own.

Informazioni aggiuntive